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The ‘Citizen Army’ Part 2 – The FBI ‘deputizes’ buisness

6 July, 2010

‘SHOOT TO KILL’ orders given to Infraguard…like Blackwater, but not so internationally infamous…see for yourself.

A quote from their site:

Cynics might think the FBI Citizens’ Academy is merely a public relations machine, a bragfest about how great the FBI is. Naturally, there’s a bit of that.

But it is less about bragging and more about building relationships with community leaders so they’ll be more open to cooperating with the bureau.(emphasis mine – treburn)

[Website FOUND HERE]

and the

[Video FOUND HERE]..

If this is on tap, I’m gonna we watching these guys like a hawk. Hopefully, we can get a clearer picture if we can get more info together…

Treburn looked around the room real quick and there, in the corner, he saw just what he was looking for, “Hmm, there’s a soapbox!”, he thought gleefully. He ran over to it and hopped up onto it and faced the crowd. He then mustered up the courage to speak…

There should be NO PRIVATE company, anywhere in the America, with ‘shoot to kill’ orders, no matter what…but I’m sure there will be some who have a different viewpoint and that’s ok. But even so, this should NOT BE ALLOWED, as it goes against the Constitution – which should no never, ever, be rescinded, redacted, repealed or whatever. It CANNOT as this is a statement of something NOT GIVEN BY MAN. Inalienable rights. Can’t take them away. I’ll even throw in the ‘born with that predisposition‘ argument to the same perpe-traitors who try to justify immoral ‘prideful’ sexual behavior with ‘legal scientific data mushroom feed’. You wanna talk tolerance…

If there are ‘paid people’ firing on American civilians after a disaster, then they would be the terrorists. PERIOD.

This is totally ILLEGAL y’all. How can the FBI even do this? Seems like our government has a ‘too-big-for-his-britches’ syndrome, and needs a good bit of belt application to the backside…IMHO. It’s a bad sort of affairs when the government hires people to ‘fire on’ their own population…sad, sad, sad 😦

Fire these guys…how hard can it be? They are doing this for the money right? It’s their job right?…to do wrong. “Hmmmm. Let’s think about this for a moment shall we…” treburn trails off with a far away look in his eyes. Then just as suddenly, snaps back into his dissertation….

If ANY PAID Privatized ‘BULLY’ DRAWS DOWN on me, family, or the innocent…deemed ‘terrorists’ for depopulation, forced evacuations, etc. there will be an exchange – even if I go to my maker early, but I value what my friends and family have fought and died for…and, so far, I still have freedom of opinion. I understand that most policy being written by the Mr. Soetoro campaign is Illegal, as is the Patriot Act and other, bogus policies instated by previous presidencies

America has ceased to become a nation and has become a whore – for a few people to have a ‘well lined purse’ while the rest are looking for their next box to live in. What good is having all the money and power of the world if you lose your soul, America? ‘Straighten up and fly right!’

New International Version (©1984)
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. (Isaiah 5:20)

treburn hopped down off the soapbox, “Whew, I feel better!” he said and smiled 🙂

And above all else, this is ONLY designed to incite the freedom of critical thinking. It is up to God working through his children to initiate the ‘perfect love casts out ALL fear’ campaign. Wake up! Pray! Watch!


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  1. 6 July, 2010 10:17


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