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And again, we go around the wheel

26 June, 2010

Hey y’all I really have been working – trying to get things in order around here…lol. Hopefully we can stay, but we are concerned about Mr. ‘O’, codename – ‘Renegade’ (backstabber, among other not so nice definitions) having too much power and being a Muslim dedicated to wiping out Jews and Christians…

But so far, back to what is relevant, I have been awakened around 2 or 3 in the morning for one reason or another as of late. Prayer for something – sometimes specific sometimes I don’t know – and it may be better that way – I can pray for God’s will more easily 😉 or explanation of dreams in the twilight of sleep…

I have been having a weird dream as of late, but I will post it when I understand better…sometimes this takes a bit – hopefully I will ‘get it’ before the Rapture – for y’all! This is why I have been led to write here I believe – to share our thoughts and dreams with you hopefully making the ‘full painting’ better to see – for we all know in part as the scriptures go 😉

Here is some more random stuff for you peruse through – we’re still looking up (July 4-5 really looks like an interesting time – dig?)- and check out the planetary alignment post ‘Weird Dreams’ we posted in May, if you haven’t read it yet.

This makes an exciting time to be watching combined with all these other events in the skies as of late:

(Oh sorry about making ‘the clicky game’ here with the links…I’ll edit as I get time…-Ed)

Lunar Eclipse June 2010
Twilight Eclipse and ISS Marathons Tonight in USA
Solar Eclipse July 2010
The second solar eclipse of 2010 occurs at the Moon’s descending node in central Gemini just 45 arc-minutes east of the 3rd magnitude star Delta Geminorum. The path of the Moon’s umbral shadow crosses the South Pacific Ocean where it makes no landfall except for Mangaia (Cook Islands), Easter Island (Isla de Pascua) and several isolated atolls. The path of totality ends just after reaching southern Chile and Argentina (Espenak and Anderson, 2008). The Moon’s penumbral shadow produces a partial eclipse visible from a much larger region covering the South Pacific and southern South America


Recall that Hitler went through a lot of generals himself. Toward the end, his best Generals were all against him, and most had been fired. It was the Generals who had been fired (or resigned) that actually ended up almost pulling off the best coup in the world. One slight error, which resulted in Hitler only being injured but not dead, caused the coup to fail. But they had taken over Berlin, the media, all communications, and the equivalent of the national guard was out rounding up all the SS heads and arresting them. They had gotten that far. They had gotten the closest to removing Hitler from power.

So we can “hope” our retired and fired generals will do the same thing to save America.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu himself is quoted as saying, “Judea and Samaria will not be Judenrein. I will not evacuate communities, and I will not establish a Palestinian state… The supreme test of every public figure is whether he keeps his promises to the public, and this test my colleagues and I have passed.”
White House welcomes Shariah finance specialist
Obama selects Muslim expert in Islamic transactions as fellow’
I see this as a BAAAD THING Ladies and Gentlemen…

Be Blessed! Worry is a ‘sin’ 😉

Trust God to lead you out of trouble until He returns for His bride…


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